Friday, November 7, 2008

Good Morning,

I have added some more photos of the house! NOT LONG NOW!!

This week has been an strange one, it has kind of flown by without us realising it! There is only around 5 weeks left of school which will gut Hunter - Fridays are bad enough as he doesn't get to go. The boys have gone for the day so it just Myself, Hunter and Miami - the office girl in training as you can see from the photo above!

We have also had one of the guys from Simon's work decide it would be funny to have 5 chickens dropped off in the street! Well its was funny for the first 24 hours. Then it became horrible! Laying eggs everywhere - pooing and digging up the gardens. I had the front door open yesterday and they where trying very hard to get in!! Hence Simon got a very strong phone call and 3 of the Chickens where picked up within 30 minutes! Two have gone walk about but no doubt will be back!

Have a great weekend and I will blog away again later,

Love Kath


Michele said...

one chook is OK but 5!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes I know! We dont have a screen door on the front either which made it worse! Trying to get fresh air in house and I have chickens flapping at me as I am trying to hush them away - shut the door in the end and made the call!!