Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Well what a 3 days it has been, I started my new medication - interesting experince - I am now off them and back on my normal stuff. I took my first dose on Saturday morning and within an hour was back in bed completley exhausted. I thought well this was bound to happen until the body adjusts, Sunday same thing except I managed to have a day out with Simon and the Kids. Yesterday was a awful day to say the least..... I woke up to find Miami's rabbit
, Princess Rose, had died during the night, then I had my medication!!!!! Well I managed to get the kids all of to school and then collapsed into bed yet again. Come 1120 I staggered out the door to go get Hunter and Miami and then straight back to bed. I spoke to Simon at one point (dont really remember it) and he decided that I needed to go back to the DR ASAP, as he even realised that this cant be normal.

Went back to the DR, thats after we had a slight accident in the car and blew two tyres!! The DR then said that the medication is too strong and I was to try this other one he gave me, although I have decided not to start taking it as I am still exhausted today and struggling to stay awake.

I decided to add to the blog as I have to pick up the kids soon and dont want to lay back down, or I might sleep through - they wouldnt be happy - and am hoping they both want to have a nanna nap with me later.

I have decided just to have the medication I was on earlier and wait a week or so before trying the next one, I dont think the body could handle going through another 3 days like the last ones.

Treyden and Hudson are off to The Big Swamp Wildlife park today with school, which they are very excited about, no doubt they will be giving us the whole days tour in great detail.

Hope all is well with everyone, and Lest We Forget! (today being rememberance day)

1 comment:

see me said...

Hi Kath,
Hope the medication is under control and you are feeling more yourself and able to stay awake.
Take care
Love Celia