Saturday, November 15, 2008

Another weekend is upon us! Treyden and Hudson are having a weekend at mums along with Dobby!! So it is just myself, Simon, Miami and Hunter. I think Simon is at the point that I was at yesterday at this time, wants Miami to stop talking!!!!

We are still in the unit until during the week or weekend. The floor coverings, Curtains, and gardens are being completed this week.

Nothing to exciting has happened this week apart from making a call to Mich (thanks again Mich) for medical advise! Hudson copped a whack in the eye with a soccer ball and had blurred vision. After a trip to get it all checked, and after having to physically holding Hudson down to put drops in his eyes, he was given the all clear. Although I have to take him back for another hearing test as his teacher is concerned he is not picking up certain sounds again, we have noticed his hearing is becoming worse again. So while getting his eye checked I asked them to check his grommets. They are both still in and not blocked but the DR did notice some scarring on his left ear drum. He quite happily went back to school the next day. He got given a prize on Friday for earning 10 gold slips - gold slips are awards for good behaviour, trying hard etc - so he was excited.

Treyden also came home very excited from school yesterday as he was given his pen licence, he has been working very hard on his neatness and it has finally paid off!

Hunter also received his first Certificate at school, and really only today has put it down. He is very willing to show everyone and anyone that wants to have a look.

Miami is well, talking like she may not be able to start again if she stops! She is still worried about her rabbit although we have reassured her that Chance and Gran will be looking after her for her.

Simon has the weekend off after a very stressful week at work, they have had to lay some people off due to other companies stopping major work till the credit crunch settles down. His job is safe but he feels attached to the company and all his workers and has found it stressful to have to be in the position to lay people off. He is currently putting up the digital dartboard for us so we can have a play - should be interesting!! And he is off tomorrow for a round of gold with his old mate Regan.

I am ok, although I have just whacked my hip bone on the corner of the bench - OUCH - :)

Anyway that's enough babble for now, the dart board is up and I am off to practice before the work boys find out we have it and want a challenge!!

Love to all

Kath xx

1 comment:

see me said...

Hi Kath,
It must be the Meehan in Miami- talk to Andrew about Kate and talking!
The house is looking great, hope the move happens soon.
It sounds like a busy weekend for you all despite the child free times.
Hope Sunday is peaceful